
Use Of Hindi IT Tools

Activate Unicode

The first requirement for the use of Hindi on computers is to activate Unicode . Unicode encoding enable the computer to be able to work in any language.How to active unicode

Keyboard Options

after activate the unicode, According to your need to choose the option of the keyboard, it has to be installed. mainly three options :

  1. encrypt keyboard
  2. Remington keyboard
  3. Phonetic Keyboard

Inscript keyboard is the standard keyboard and its already inbuild in all operating systems (Windows,Linux BOSS,Mac book). It also can be said for Indian languages Universal keyboards.How to install keyboard ?

after learning typing in at least one Indian language on encrypt keyboard make possible to type in any other Indian language because for all Indian languages encrypt keyboard is same. a software is available on name Indic Script Tutor Which enables INSCRIPT keyboard layout can be learn Hindi encrypt typing from TDIL 's site hindi encrypt typing tutor can be download for free.

Hindi fonts only authorized use of Unicode font is supported. it avoids problems in the file transaction. Microsoft and Apple OS systems already in Devanagari Unicode fonts are available, including Unicode Tue.Additional supported Unicode fonts can be download from

Use of hindi IT Tools

Several tools are available for the use of Hindi on computers :

Phonetic Tools

Only having knowledge of English or typing in Roman, Hindi / Devanagari to type in the phonetic tools can be used . It is too much choice .

  • You can download the Microsoft's tool. (for this you must installed net frame work ie Dotnet fixes 2.0 to 3.5 in your computer. )
  • You can download Google tool.

Renowned writing ( speech-to-text tools )

In this method the user speaks into the microphone And the speech-to-text computer program Process and writes in text by changing.these types of writing software called Renowned software. this tool is available on the site of rajbhasha department.

Mantra - Officer Language

Mantra-officer language is a machine-assisted translation systems, The official language of administrative, financial, agriculture, small industry, information technology, health care, education and banking sectors translates documents from English to Hindi.This tool is available on the site of department of official language.

E-General Dictionary

E-General dictionary is a bi-lingual bi-dimensional pronunciation dictionary. The following are the features of the E-General Dictionary:-

  • Devanagari script in the Unicode font
  • Hindi / English words to pronunciations
  • Clear format, easy and instant word search
  • Letter word list in order, direct word search
  • English / Hindi letters Word Search
  • Speech interfaces with the Hindi word pronunciation

This tool is available on the site of official language department. Use the links to it.

LILA Online Hindi courses and exams -

Free Hindi language learning have been produced by the Department of Official Language Hindi Prabodh Lila, Lila Hindi Praveen and LILA Pragya Hindi courses are available softwares.These softwares can be obtained free of charge from Central Hindi Training Institute, New Delhi and various Central HindivTraining deputy institutions.through these softwares English versions of the internet as well as various Indian languages ​​Hindi can be learn free of charge. The Audio video features also available. for Internet version, click the link below -

Exam of these courses are also available online.